

First time logging in? Click here If you need assistance, please contact the IMSS Help Desk at 626.395.3500 (M-F, from 8AM to 5PM) or email us at help@caltech.edu.

IMPORTANT: Your browser must accept cookies to use access.caltech.




AdvanceCaltech is the institute's donor management database for recording and tracking engagement of those who provide philanthropic support to Caltech



Box is a secure content-sharing and collaboration cloud service that is accessible from anywhere and from any device with a network connection. For more information, visit http://imss.caltech.edu/box


Caltech Card

Caltech Card allows you to check your balances for accounts such as Board Funds, Copy Credit, Student Credit, and SmartCash. You can also browse your card transactions and download your account statements.

Caltech Card


Caltech Help is a request tracking system for IMSS, Card Office, Procurement, and GPS. Human Resources and other groups will soon join this system. Caltech Help allows you to submit and track support requests, as well as view your request history.

Caltech Help

Caltech Ready

Caltech Ready is a continuity planning tool for campus. It allows departments to plan for disasters that are wide in scope (earthquake, wildfire, pandemic, terrorism) or more localized (fire in your building, or even failure of your hard drive).

Caltech Ready


CardQuest allows users to book Caltech business travel for themselves or for others through the CardQuest travel portal in association with Caltech's preferred travel agency, FCm Travel Solutions. CardQuest also allows users to reconcile both travel and goods and services purchase card (P-Card) expenses.

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Course Management (Moodle)

智连代理-自建全国动态IP机房_代理IP修改器软件_换IP代理 ...:智连代理是一款专注于国内换IP、代理ip的软件,涵盖电脑端及手机端,每日发布各种最新代理ip,致力于成为国内ip 代理领导者! 收藏 400-998-9776 转2 服务时间 周一至周日 9:00-23:00 注意: 本站不提供境外服务 登录 注册 实名验证 首页 套餐购买 软件下载 ...

Course Management (Moodle)

Data Warehouse (Cognos)

Data Warehouse is a reporting tool that gathers and analyzes data from the central administrative systems. It takes large amounts of data from various source systems and converts it into meaningful information. For more information please click here.

Data Warehouse (Cognos)

Email & Calendar - Office 365 Exchange

Office 365 Exchange allows convenient and secure access to email, calendar, tasks, and notes. To log in from the Microsoft sign in page, enter username@caltech.edu (username = access.caltech username). You will then be redirected to the Caltech sign in page to enter your access.caltech username and password. For additional information or configuration guides, see http://imss.caltech.edu/office365/welcome.

EV屏幕共享下载-局域网屏幕共享软件 v1.0.0 官方版 - 安下载:1 天前 · SafeShare(局域网共享文件管理软件) v10.2 免费版 usb远程共享工具箱精简完整版 附带安装教程 大势至共享文件夹管理软件 v4.1 官方最新版 土豪免费刷钻软件 v1.1 最新版 网众无盘客户端 v7.5 官方版 极通EWEBS应用虚拟化平台 v7.01 官方版 多玩DNF盒子 V4.0

FileBound Document Management System

FileBound is the workflow and document management tool for routing supplier invoices and payment request forms to campus approval authorities. Submit reviewed and approved invoices to Payment Services for processing.

FileBound Document Management System

Financial Queries

Financial Queries provides a view of financial queries such as the PTA Query, CIT Salary Cap Calculator, Equipment Screening, Concurrent Request Queue, etc.

Financial Queries

Graduate Admissions Visit Scheduler

The Graduate Admissions Visit Scheduler allows registered administrators (options coordinators/managers) to manage one or more prospective student visiting days, to grant faculty members access, and to setup faculty meetings with students. Access to this application must be granted by the EAS Communications Office before administrators can log in. Administrators must grant faculty access to the system before meetings with students can be scheduled. For inquiries, contact commofc@caltech.edu.

Graduate Admissions Visit Scheduler

Mail Protection Gateway

The Mail Protection Gateway (MPG) helps protect against advanced email threats and reduce unsolicited email (spam). The MPG will quarantine suspected spam for up to 45 days, during which you can login at any time to retrieve legitimate mail from the Spam Quarantine, or add senders to a personal safelist. See http://imss.caltech.edu/mpg for more info.

Mail Protection Gateway


MyBenefits is the enrollment system for Caltech benefits. MyBenefits allows you to add or remove dependents and to specify medical, dental, and other benefit options, as well as Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account contributions.



Caltech wired and wireless networking


Remote Network Access (VPN)

Remote Network Access (VPN) is used for remote access to Caltech resources when away from campus. If you are already approved for VPN access, use your access.caltech account to log in. Otherwise, register for this service by clicking 代理ip软件.

Remote Network Access (VPN)


SharePoint is a collaboration, information sharing, and document management service hosted in Microsoft's cloud. For more information, please visit http://office365.caltech.edu/services/sharepoint.


Site Licensed Software

Faculty, postdocs, staff, and students can obtain site licensed software at http://software.caltech.edu, including Matlab, Mathematica, Microsoft Office, Windows, Symantec AntiVirus, and Adobe Acrobat. Please use your access.caltech credentials to log in.

Site Licensed Software

TIAA Account Overview

TIAA Account Overview provides a summary of your TIAA retirement plan contributions.

TIAA Account Overview


TechMart Purchasing is used for the ordering and purchase requisitioning of products and services. Users can select products from multiple online supplier catalogs at Institute-negotiated contract pricing.

Please use your access.caltech credentials to log in. For more information, please click here (http://procurement.caltech.edu/departments/techmarthome)

TechMart Purchasing

Time Keeping (Kronos)

Time Keeping (Kronos) allows employees to track time worked, vacation, sick time, and other types of leave. Managers and Payroll Activity Monitors (PAMs) are also able to review and approve an employee's timecard.

Time Keeping (Kronos)

Time Keeping Limited (Kronos Limited)

Time Keeping (Kronos Limited) is a simplified system that allows employees to track time worked on their mobile devices on an occasional basis. To track time worked regularly on a mobile device, please contact Payroll or IMSS for access to a mobile app.

Time Keeping Limited (Kronos Limited)

Zoom Video Conferencing

Caltech's Zoom video conferencing system

Zoom Video Conferencing
Application available for access
Application available for access, but with limitations.
Application temporarily unavailable