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中国联通「冰激凌套餐」一月体验记 | I'm TualatriX:三月底的时候,我下决心将自己的手机套餐换成了中国联通的「冰淇淋套餐」,也就是传说中的「无限流量」+「无限通话」的一个套餐。 作为移动互联网+移动办公的重度用户,我之前用的 3GB/月的流量常常超过,每次出门在外,使用手机都要特别注意,我觉得我受够这种不能随心所欲使用网络服务 ...

Sponsor Content

The Agency Working World After COVID-19: Adjusting to the New Normal

Okta’s Kelsey Nelson weighs in on how government agencies can tap technology to keep a remote workforce productive, collaborative and secure.


States Crack Down on Large Gatherings as Covid-19 Continues to Spread

【实操行动】怎么能少这几款炒币工具 - 简书:【实操行动】怎么能少这几款炒币工具 学习区块链的肯定得买点币,或者炒炒币,那如何炒币呢,少不了如下的工具,让小白们有了这个工具大全,炒币入门无阻碍,咱们先画一个数字货币的购买流程说起,重点说工具的事,有些要翻墙的工具,注意,官网很多都需要科学上网,但客户端下载后 ...

Health & Human Services

Lack of Public Data Hampers COVID-19 Fight

Thin public health budgets and dated technology stymie reporting efforts.

我的一次科学尝试作文500字 - 日记200字 小学生日记200字 ...:2021-8-5 · 我的一次科学尝试,日记200字,作文500 字 日记50字 日记100字 日记150字 日记200字 日记300字 日记400字 日记500字 小学生日记 ... 地方都安然无恙。堂哥高兴地说:“这下你服了吧!”我立即带着这个不可思议的结果去上网 ...
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COMMENTARY | It is time to stop pretending. Our children are staying home.

Health & Human Services

Report: In Spring, White House Scrapped Comprehensive, National Covid Testing Plan

STATE AND LOCAL NEWS ROUNDUP | Sleepaway camp in Georgia was the site of a large Covid outbreak … Houston authorities launch public education campaign to prevent coronavirus spread … NYC says people in certain neighborhoods need to reduce electricity use.


9ifast提醒科学上网机场线路并不是越多最可靠 - 网游电竞 ...:2021-1-23 · 提示:官网快速访问通道66de.vip或,复制到浏览器打开。 说到科学上网,大家的反映是各种速度奇慢的V,P,N,但近期轻量级科学上网9ifast,高速访问如同 ... 9ifast提醒科学上网机场线路并不是越多最可靠 ,北京大学论坛

搬瓦工安装ShadowSocks,FinalSpeed优化实现YouTube ...:2021-2-4 · 背景:本文详细记录了手动安装shadowsocks,ipsec(用于ios)的过程,及ipsec搭建完后,服务器一直无响应的问题解决方案。因为要做站,所以想在除了搬瓦工上买个性能好点的vps。最先考虑的是linode,用的frement机房,东京机房没货。但是linode ...



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Virus’ Hit to Sales Tax Revenues is Coming Into Focus and It’s Not Good

New data shows a 10%, or $42 billion, drop in state and local sales tax receipts in the second quarter. Factors like whether groceries are taxed appear to be affecting collections in some states.

Sponsor Content

Vigilance and Visibility: The Case for Stronger IT Hygiene in Local Governments

Even as local governments have amassed a greater arsenal of devices and endpoints to connect their departments, enterprise security and visibility have struggled to keep pace.

Tech & Data

Facial Recognition Algorithms Struggle to Detect Faces Under Masks, NIST Study Finds

A new study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology found facial recognition algorithms developed pre-pandemic struggle to identify masked faces.


Four Perspectives on the Christopher Columbus Statues

工信CRM下载_工信CRM官方下载-太平洋下载中心:2021-4-18 · 包括客户档案管理、销售机会、合同、收款、产品、客服管理、报表、分析等客户管理核心模块,太平洋下载中心提供工信CRM官方下载,绿色、安全 ...


Florida Officials Keep Eye on Isaias as Tropical Storm Moves Toward State

STATE AND LOCAL NEWS ROUNDUP | Texas AG offers opinion on health departments’ authority to close schools … ALEC lawmakers say they don’t want more federal Covid aid … D.C. mayor says businesses should call police on maskless people.


With No Agreement on Coronavirus Aid, Senate Turns to Standalone Unemployment Bills

Before adjourning for the weekend, Senate Republicans introduced several bills Thursday that would extend federal unemployment benefits for out of work Americans.