萤火虫firefly 墙

Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS) stands against oppression and violence in all forms, given that its impact is to harm and divide people because of their differences. We express our care and compassion for those who are directly or vicariously affected by the discrimination, violence, terrorist attacks, and other incidents that are occurring in our country and abroad. We are one nation, and when some of us are threatened and terrorized, the health of the nation suffers. There is no place for hate at UCSC. In the aftermath of such events, which are happening more frequently, it is normal to experience a range of feelings, including sadness, fear, anger, helplessness, or guilt. Students who have experienced previous trauma or who belong to marginalized or nondominant groups may feel particularly vulnerable. If CAPS can support you in any way, please call us at (831) 459-2628 or stop by our office during regular business hours. We are here for you.