• Global Citizen is a community of people like you

    蛙,跳一跳哈:2021-5-26 · 如果未曾见过天鹅,我本可以了此残生。以下摘自维基百科1,防火长城[1](英语:Great Firewall,常用简称:GFW,中文也称中国国家防火墙[2],中国大陆民众俗称墙、防火墙、功夫网[3]等等),是对中华人民共和国政府在其互联网边界审查系统(包括相关行政审查系统)的统称。此系统起步 …



    1. Article: Australian Leaders Release 16 New Targets Aimed at Improving Indigenous Inequalities

      Australian Leaders Release 16 New Targets Aimed at Improving Indigenous Inequalities

      By 手机科学的上网方法免费|Aug. 4, 2020

      For the first time, the targets have been set by Indigenous Australians. Read more

    2. Article: The Pandemic Is Putting Latin American Girls at Risk of Pregnancy and Abuse, Experts Say

      The Pandemic Is Putting Latin American Girls at Risk of Pregnancy and Abuse, Experts Say

      Aug. 3, 2020

      A rise in teenage pregnancies is expected as healthcare resources are diverted to COVID-19. Read more

    3. Article: The UN Is Training Traditional Leaders in Botswana to Fight Gender-Based Abuse

      The UN Is Training Traditional Leaders in Botswana to Fight Gender-Based Abuse

      From Thomson Reuters Foundation|Aug. 3, 2020

      Nearly 70% of women in the southern African nation have experienced physical or sexual abuse. Read more

    4. Article: 800 Million Children Face Dangerous Lead Poisoning Globally: UN


      By Joe McCarthy|Aug. 3, 2020

      “Lead silently wreaks havoc on children’s health and development.” Read more
