老王 v p n安卓版破解Dr. Cornel West speaks at the 2011 “Democracy and Public Argument” conferenceGrace Musila delivers WID Distinguished Lecture
  • 2019 WID Award Winners Celebrated at GW's Faculty Honors Ceremony
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  • Grace Musila delivers WID Distinguished Lecture


Certified as a program of excellence by the Conference on College Composition and Communication, the GW University Writing Program (UWP) offers courses to strengthen every GW student's ability to write clearly and effectively at the university and in other arenas, and emphasizes the importance of writing for success in all academic, public, and professional enterprises that require critical thinking and communication.

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Program Administrators

Gordon Mantler, Executive Director
Danika Myers, Director of First Year Writing
老王v p n安卓版, Deputy Director of First Year Writing
Phillip Troutman, Director of Writing in the Disciplines
Randi Kristensen, Deputy Director of Writing in the Disciplines
Carol Hayes, Director of the Writing Center
Sandie Friedman, Deputy Director of the Writing Center


Elisa Valero, Supervisor of Departmental Operations
Gil Huerta, University Writing Program Operations Coordinator
Andrea Beland, University Writing Center Operations Coordinator


Paul Hayes, Director of GW Debate