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Microsoft said its CEO Satya Nadella has already spoken to President Donald Trump about possibly acquiring TikTok in the U.S.

0:51Afghan security personnel take position on the top of a building where insurgents were hiding, in the city of Jalalabad.

ISIS Attack On Afghan Prison Kills At Least 21 People

0:49Norwegian cruise ship MS Roald Amundsen moored in Tromso, Norway, Monday Aug. 3, 2020.

Cruise Ship Outbreak Causes Concern Along Norway's Coast

0:43A woman looks out a window from a locked-down public housing tower in Melbourne.

Australia's State Of Victoria Declares State Of Disaster

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0:43A woman looks out a window from a locked-down public housing tower in Melbourne.
Andy Brownbill / AP

Australia's State Of Victoria Declares State Of Disaster

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Cruise Ship Outbreak Causes Concern Along Norway's Coast

0:47Family using video chat

Pandemic Parenting: How Can We Discuss Limited Interactions?

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