ICMM’s Mining Principles define good practice environmental, social and governance requirements for the mining and metals industry through a comprehensive set of performance expectations.

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The ICSV programme is seeking to address three of the most critical safety, health and environment issues in mining. Senior programme officer Veronica Martinez discusses progress with Sandvik's Solid Ground.

详解国内流行网游加速器原理、技术与实现-宅玩网:2021-6-15 · 1. 前言 网游加速器是针对个人用户快速连接网游服务器的一种服务。为了解决国内南北网络互联瓶颈的问题,“网络加速器”厂商通过搭建多个高带宽的双线机房(或通过租用双线VPS主机),并在这些机房的两大线路中架设多个节点服务器,然后为其编写“网络加速器客户端”,通过客户端判断用户 ...

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There is an expectation that the private sector can and should play a significant role in promoting and supporting the delivery of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Comprising a universal set of targets, the goals seek to expand on the eight anti-poverty goals of the now expired Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

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