Alternative Energy - Articles, Stories & Interviews


ssh的一些安全设定-云栖社区-阿里云:2021-9-27 · SSH服务端配置、优化加速、安全防护 甩锅侠 2021-09-13 18:37:00 浏览1863 推荐给开发人员的实用命令行工具


163网易免费邮--中文邮箱第一品牌:2021-6-15 · 网易163免费邮箱--中文邮箱第一品牌。容量自动翻倍,支持50兆附件,免费开通手机号码邮箱赠送3G超大附件服务。支持各种客户端软件收发,垃圾邮件拦截率超过98%。


C2 Energy Capital supported Solar Power & Light working alongside First Solar to complete a solar power generation plant for the Otsego School District

税制安排对产业结构的影响--《经济纵横》2021年02期 - CNKI:【摘要】:我国产业结构失衡有很深刻的税收背景,税收制度安排缺失制约产业结构调整,以流转税为主体的税制结构和税负的不合理强化了产业结构的失衡;财权与事权分割效应及其扩散效应的叠加也使税收的结构效应传导机制被破坏,从而阻碍了产业结构调整的步伐。

Becoming more affordable or practical are essential steps in driving the switch to renewables. Still, more innovation needs to happen. The solar panel industry needs to see substantial changes, and thankfully, it looks like there are some on the horizon.

经济史的趣味 (豆瓣) - Douban:2021-4-19 · 继《西洋经济史的趣味》之后,赖建诚教授2021年推出简体版《经济史的趣味》,延续一惯知性、轻松、好读、有趣的风格,该书延伸出“中国经济史”的部分,让读者能更全面地理解、参照、进入与人类生活习习相关的经济世界。

Remote communities often operate without the benefit of a main utility grid and depend on diesel fuel for power generation. This dependence on diesel represents not only economic cost, but also environmental cost in the form of greenhouse gas emissions and noise pollution.

10 Ways BIM Is Improving Renewable Energy Efficiency

Building information modeling (BIM) is a new form of technology that helps the construction industry with planning and management. As renewable energy grows as a primary focus for buildings, BIM offers a key way to enforce that sustainability.


Hypothetically, all vibration energy can be transformed into electrical energy; but there are certain types of vibrations that are preferred when the intent is to power a sensor or monitoring system. These vibrations need to have a steady vibration and a controlling frequenc

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Alternative Energy - Featured Stories

Offshore Wind Turbine Market to witness steady growth of 18% during 2020-2026

The offshore wind turbine market is anticipated to witness a lucrative growth over the forthcoming years owing to the global shift towards renewable energy and increasing R&D by key market players.

Rock Star of Photovoltaics is CIGS says IDTechEx

It is copper-indium-gallium-diselenide CIGS up fifty-fold in sales in only ten years. From joke level, leader Solar Frontier of Japan now has 1% of global PV output and CIGS overall has passed 2% by "redefining the battleground".


• Exceptional ROI expected for companies who have embraced digital technologies amid COVID-19 • New normal will include hybrid models of digital technology with physical activity • COVID-19 has resulted in unprecedented levels of global collaboration

Alternative Energy - News Headlines


Fugro has completed a positioning support contract for Bourbon Subsea Services (Bourbon) to help install the three units of the WindFloat Atlantic semi-submersible floating wind farm.


Noted Icelandic wind-based renewable energy company IceWind is pleased to announce their launch in the United States today. IceWind's groundbreaking product, the Freya, is for residential uses.


Leading global lithium battery provider, RELiON Battery, vows to donate 1% of annual sales to environmental causes

Wind Energy Market to witness steady growth of 12% During Forecast Period


Cornwall Insight comments on National Grid's 2020 Future Energy Scenarios

The latest FES highlight just how dramatically the energy landscape will change in the coming decades. It is clear that existing and new technologies can be deployed to achieve Net Zero by 2050, with three of the four scenarios showing pathways to accomplish this.

Alternative Energy - Featured Product

Shoals Technologies Group -  Inventing Simple® - From the Back of the Glass to the Inverter

Shoals Technologies Group - Inventing Simple® - From the Back of the Glass to the Inverter

Inventing Simple® isn't just a slogan to us, it's a way of life. Using simple plug-and-play ideology, we revolutionized solar installations in 2003 with our Interconnect System™. Our harnessing system is now the gold standard EPC's use around the world. By using simple ideas, we are making solar energy a more affordable and clean power source for future generations.

Alternative Energy - Featured Company



Q CELLS is a renowned total energy solutions provider in solar cell and module, energy storage, downstream project business and energy retail. It is headquartered in Seoul, South Korea (Global Executive HQ) and Thalheim, Germany (Technology & Innovation HQ) with its diverse international manufacturing facilities in the U.S., Malaysia, China, and South Korea. Through its growing global business network spanning Europe, North America, Asia, South America, Africa and the Middle East, Q CELLS provides excellent services and long-term partnerships to its customers in the utility, commercial, governmental and residential markets.