

July 27, 2020 4:34 pm
Contingency plans for undergraduate housing and study on campus are being created by Stanford administrators to account for any expansion in restrictions mandated by the nationwide surge in COVID-19 cases.The university’s need to remain flexible in planning for the fall was communicated to undergraduate students and their families by Sarah Church, vice provost for undergraduate… Read more Stanford contingency plans evolve as COVID-19 cases surge nationwide


June 30, 2020 11:29 pm
Dear undergraduates, This is the first in a series of weekly newsletters for undergraduates, titled “Re-Approaching Stanford,” through which we will convey further updates, important timelines and action items as we prepare for the academic year 2020-2021. Students’ families will also receive these updates initially via the newsletter for parents and guardians, and will receive… Read more Planning for 2020-21


June 17, 2020 2:48 am
To our Stanford community,We write to you at a moment when many challenges are pressing upon our country, and upon the lives of the members of our Stanford community. All of us continue to confront a global pandemic as well as the urgent issues of racial justice that have been laid bare once again in… Read more Academic planning for the fall quarter and 2020-21 academic year

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