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                  Scotts Valley Unified School District

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                  Important Update from Superintendent Regarding Re-opening of Schools - July 20th

                  Hello Scotts Valley Community,


                  As you know, we’ve been working throughout the summer on reopening plans based on the most recent guidelines and directives. In June, we prepared for higher restrictions for our  reopening plans, given the current guidance at that time.  At the end of June, we were told to work toward returning with medium restrictions. The survey we sent out Wednesday, July 15th, provided us good information regarding families preferring full time distance instruction or partial in-person instruction. Last Friday, July 17th, Governor Newsom announced additional and updated criteria for the reopening of schools, which would require us to prepare to shift again. An important directive that he gave was that no school can re-open for in-person instruction if the County has been on the State Watchlist within the prior 14 days. We have been informed that this week Santa Cruz County is going to be placed on the State Watchlist. Therefore, we are being asked to prepare for the start of the school year with fully remote instruction. 


                  I apologize for the back-and-forth messaging regarding the reopening of school, but please know we are responding to each new set of guidelines and directives provided as quickly as possible. We are continuing to assess survey results, and will use the feedback to help us plan for the possibility of students returning in person.  However, our focus now has to be on preparing for the high probability of the start of school with fully remote instruction.


                  Thank you for your patience as we continue to move forward. We will be in communication again once we have more clarity on the numerous details regarding our reopening options.


                  Please read the attached letter from the County Superintendents, which contains important information as well as embedded links to additional information.


                  Tanya Krause



                  Logo - CA Top School Districts

                  Scotts Valley Unified School District will provide each student with quality educational and social opportunities needed to thrive in a modern world.


                  Our students will be socially responsible, pursuing their full potential in intellectual, social, and physical development, and be engaged, ethical and effective citizens. 

                  svusd core values and guiding principles
                  • Our role is to develop academically capable, culturally attuned and socially responsible students.
                  • There is strength and value in diversity of thought and experience.
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                  • We value commitment and collaboration from our engaged students, families and the community.
                  • We value trust, respect and teamwork from our highly skilled and dedicated team.
                  • We are accountable to our public for setting clear expectations and optimizing resources to meet our goals.
                  Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Parents for COVID-19

                  Frequently Asked Questions

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                  The Santa Cruz County Office of Education (SCCOE) has compiled a webpage specifically for Distance Learning Resources.  


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                  Payroll Timesheets

                  SVUSD Student & Staff Tech Support

                  Visit the district’s Help Desk page for resources and weekly drop-in support hours.  In addition, our District’s SVUSD Website has a live online Chat with an SVUSD Tech. 


                  (for Senior/SSI parcel tax exemptions) 

                  Measure A Exemption Application

                  CHECK BACK AFTER 8/1/2020 FOR THE UPDATED FORM

                  This form is for the 2021-22 tax year.  Please complete the form and submit the form and requested documentation to the District (contact information is on the form).  


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                  SVUSD Local Control and Accountability Plan 2019-20:




                  Scotts Valley Unified schools are ranked as some of the highest performing public schools in Santa Cruz County. We are proud of the high quality education we provide to approximately 2500 students year after year.

                  Please look around to see what we do so well here at SVUSD. Be sure to visit the individual school web sites to see what's happening at Brook Knoll Elementary School, Vine Hill Elementary School, Scotts Valley Middle School and Scotts Valley High School.

                  District Office

                  Fast Facts

                  Schools in our District


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                  School Accountability Report Cards

                  Student Enrollment


                  District Area

                  23 Sq Miles


                  Tanya Krause

                  Number of Employees


                  Schools' Awards

                  Governing Board
