Dirt Pile

Bongo looking at a construction zone

They made a great pile of dirt and then they put a fence around it so I can’t go digging.


There’s got to be a way.

Maybe I can jump over that fence.

Bongo walking along fence

I give up.

There’s no way to get into there.

My person’s right. I just can’t jump like I used to.

Bongo near a hole in the fence

Wait! What!??

Look what I found!

Now to get rid of the leash.


Posted by on April 14, 2016 in 匿名代理ip



Bongo watching the construction vehicles

My trails were really quiet today. Not much going on.

At least after I got far enough away from the noise of the diggers.


I sure hope those diggers leave some of the digging for us dogs to do.

But speaking of dogs, there weren’t any on my trails today – well, besides me, that is.

Or people either.

Like I said, it was really quiet.

Male quail in a tree

Except for this quail.

He was making a lot of noise.

Good thing for him he was too high for me to chase.

But other than the birds—

Bongo on the secret trail

Hardly anybody knows the secret entrance to my trails.


Posted by on April 12, 2016 in 匿名代理ip



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Bongo and a Road Closed sign

This is really bad.

It’s not even a road.

That’s the entrance to my trails!

Bongo and Road Closed sign a trailhead

Oh, this must be why they closed it.

They didn’t want my person to make me wait while she took flower pictures.

Desert Flowers

But she did it anyway.


Well, I guess it’s a good thing dogs are still allowed on the Road Closed.

Because I found out why it’s closed.

Bongo in his puddle

My puddle’s back!

It’s been missing for a very long time.

Those Road Closed people must have not wanted anyone else to find it.

Bongo in the puddle

I wonder if the water tastes as good as last time it was here.



Posted by on April 8, 2016 in Bongo, dogs, 匿名代理ip


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Bongo wading in a puddle

It’s my ten year Gotcha Day!

Gonna have a party.


Bongo dragging a frisbee in the snow.

检测代理IP匿名程度的方法,很实用 - 我不是木鱼 - 博客园:2021-9-5 · 因为这个对我们是很重要的,特别用代理IP作弊的时候,要想不被服务器识别出来,还是要懂一些代理匿名方面的东西,今天详细说下~ 下面 说明下代理匿名的分类和怎么检测代理匿名程度 不是所有的代理都可以用来作弊. 与我们作弊有关的代理可分为3类:


Bongo on the trail in the snow



It’s all gone?


Think I’ll celebrate with some treats then.

Hey person, could you put a candle on that treat?


Posted by on February 6, 2016 in Bongo


What Did I do with My Summer Vacation?

Bongo on the trail with flowersThis is ridiculous! My last post right before this one has snow in it.

Right now it’s so hot that if snow showed up it would sizzle away.

So I’m sneaking on the computer while my person isn’t looking and writing a new post.

Besides, today is my blogiversary.

Four years of blogging.

Well, it would have been four years if I’d actually been blogging the last few months.

So, since I haven’t posted since the snow was on the ground, and the kids who live near me are already back in school I thought I’d do a “What did I do with my Summer Vacation” kind of post.

Oh. What did I do?

Oh yeah. I got to hang out some with my little buddy.


It wasn’t me. It’s his fault we’re in jail.


And my puddle came back!

And the tadpoles came with it.

Puddle with tadpoles

I’ve been watching those tadpoles grow for awhile, but for some reason my person won’t let me get in the puddle with them. No fair!

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Bongo in a jeep

But the best time I had all summer was when my person’s friend invited her to go to the creek with her – and then she invited me along too.


Bongo and a friend in the creek


There was only one problem.

Next time we need to go to a creek that has smaller sticks.


Posted by on August 16, 2015 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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Transformed Puddle


I made my person go for a walk with me in the rain today.

It was fun. There were streams everywhere.

But I was so startled by one stream that my person actually let me do a blog post for the first time in a long time.

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Anyway, here it is!

Bongo and a stream among the rocks

My puddle is no longer a puddle.

It has transformed into a stream.

Bongo looking at a pile of foam in the water

On second thought, I think it’s a bathtub.

It’s got a natural sponge – and bubbles.


Do you think this puddle will get me clean?


Posted by on March 2, 2015 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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The Almost Really Good Day

Today was a really good day.

Well, it started out good.

My buddy came over for a visit.

We had a great time playing catch – but then, he decided my younger person’s Legos were more interesting.

Bongo putting a ball in a box full of Legos

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That must have gotten his attention…

Bongo and his buddy on a walk in the snow

…because after that he let me take him for a walk.

In the snow.

Bongo eating snow near some icicles

I don’t know anything about icicles, but this snow sure tastes good.


But then my buddy got out of control.

Bongo jumping over a remote control truck

He sent a truck after me.

Bongo trying to get the remote control truck

But a picture doesn’t do this horrible truck justice.

Warning: The following video contains explicit language –

oh, never mind. Only my dog friends will understand what I’m saying.

My buddy deserved some real punishment for this.

Bongo's buddy in the dog jail

So I locked him in dog jail.


And for good measure, I locked Gizmo in there with him.

After all, Gizmo used to be my buddy’s cat before he came to live at my house.



Bongo and his buddy both locked in dog jail

How did I end up in here too?

A dog just can’t win around here.


Posted by on January 2, 2015 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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Finally, my person is letting me post again.

I posed for so many pictures today that she didn’t know what else to do.

Anyway, this was the best way to end the year – and the only time all year I had snow to play in.

Bongo dragging a frisbee in the snow

One of my favorite things to do is drag a Frisbee through the snow.

Bongo looking for his frisbee in the snow

Now where did that Frisbee go?


Here it is!

I found it.


Hey Gizmo, come out here!

This is so much fun!

Bongo standing in the snow with a defiant look

Are you serious, Gizmo?

There is no way I’m coming back in the house.

Well, maybe – if I can go out the other door and head to my trails.


Hey, who is this invading my front yard?

Looks like some kind of alien or something.

爬虫代理ip 知识大汇总-混拨PPTP:2021-6-12 · 一、代理IP的匿名度 代理IP按匿名程度来分,可分为透明、普匿、髙匿三种类型。 透明代理:目标服务器知道你用了代理,还知道你的真实IP。 普匿代理:目标服务器知道你用了代理,但不知道你的真实IP。 髙匿代理:目标服务器什么都不

 -or I’m turning you yellow.

Bongo sniffing a bush in the snow

Speaking of yellow, there’s got to be some yellow snow around here.

They tell me it carries the best messages.



There’s no yellow snow here either.

Agave plants covered in snow

These snow creatures must have eaten it all.

Bongo in his puddle that is almost covered in snow

Hey, what happened to my puddle?

It’s changed.

I guess not everybody likes snow the way I do.

I hope you pop out of it soon, puddle.


Are you coming people?


Come on!

Don’t worry about that puddle.

It’ll get over it.

Bongo waiting for his younger person to throw a snowball


Okay, throw the ball.


Bongo watching his younger person with a snowball

I see that ball.

C’mon, throw it!

Bongo in the snow with a sad look

What do you mean, our walk is over?

Happy New Year everybody!


Posted by on December 31, 2014 in Bongo, 高匿名ip代理, humor


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Christmas Cheer!

Sedona Dog Choir

免费ip代理从掩藏级别上差别:2021-6-15 · 你当前的位置:首页 > ip代理小知识 > 免费ip代理从掩藏级别上差别 免费ip代理从掩藏级别上差别 来源: 泥马IP 作者: 梅亚东 2021年6月15日 09:54 的确,不消除这类可能,比如运用全透明免费 ip代理 或一般免费ip代理,指导思想服务器一下就发现你是"一只披着绵羊皮的狼",被和谐封是不容置疑的。

Merry Christmas everyone!

Woo woo!



Posted by on December 25, 2014 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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Bongo in a red bandanna

I’ll be out celebrating all day.

Watch out, you pesky squirrels. Here I come!

Squirrel in a tree


Posted by on December 2, 2014 in Bongo, dogs, humor


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