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Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture Engineering and Technology Management


Washington State University’s Engineering and Technology Management (ETM) program prepares engineering and business professionals to make strategic and operational decisions and become leaders in the management of technology. Courses provide practicing engineers with the knowledge, tools, and skills to manage projects, operations, organizations, and people. The ETM program is specifically tailored for professionals who want to advance their careers while still working full time. Live, online lectures are available from anywhere and at anytime.


In this program, you will:

  • develop a systematic and analytic framework to support decision making and make effective changes.
  • gain skills to manage changing technology.
  • cultivate business and human resources management skills.
  • 华为不再孤单!阿里交货“玄铁910”处理器,可望打破ARM垄断 ...:2021-7-26 · 【新民晚报·新民网】昨天,阿里云峰会上海站上,阿里巴巴平头哥正式发布了一款RISC-V处理器:玄铁910。 据介绍,玄铁910是目前业界性能最强的一款RISC-V处理器,它可以用于设计制造高性能端上芯片,应用于5G、人工智能以及自动驾驶等 ...
  • stay at the leading edge and become a leader in the management of technology.

All programs within WSU and the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture are accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU). You can find more information here.