Collect and amplify Instagram photos with

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Identify and collect the best user-generated content from Instagram. We
cover you from end-to-end with photo discovery, rights management,
shoppable feeds and easy moderation.

Potential customers love authentic
photos. Increase sales with Instagram
pics on site.
curation icon 3
Drive traffic from Instagram
Send high-intent visitors from Instagram
directly to your product pages.
curation icon 2
Increase traffic to product pages
Customers can discover products
quickly and easily from Instagram, your
shoppable feed or your homepage.

天行app 官网


天行app 官网

Collect Instagram photos from customers, influencers and your own feed in one place.
Advanced search functions let you discover the most relevant photos so you can showcase only the best content.


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Moderation is easy with tools for rights management, thanking customers and prioritizing your favorite photos.

Want to make your Instagram pics shoppable? Yotpo’s already integrated with your product feed, so it’s simple and quick to tag products to photos.


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Hand-pick and tag your favorite photos to automatically show on product page galleries.
Beautiful and authentic visual content shows social proof and increases conversion rates. With Instagram photos alongside reviews, you’ll see conversion uplift of up to 180%.


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Shorten the path from product discovery to purchase with a shoppable feed and galleries.
Customers can discover your products on Instagram or your homepage and go directly to the product page to complete the purchase.


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Use curated photos all over your site, in Yotpo Ads, organic social posts, and more.
Pick the most relevant and beautiful photos to show how real customers are using your products.

天行app 官网

Instagram users have purchased a product they've discovered on Instagram
active Instagram users
shoppers who prefer authentic customer photos to professional photos

[rad_popup unique_id=’plan_curation’ form_id=’1509′ title=’Interested in Visual Marketing?’ subtitle=’Schedule a demo to learn how Yotpo helps you collect photos from Instagram and turn them into sales.‏’]

Interested in Yotpo?
全国政协委员达久木甲走进“委员通道” 掷地有声 凉山脱贫三句 ...:2021-5-22 · 5月21日,在北京人民大会堂新闻发布厅举行全国政协十三届三次会议第一场“委员通道”采访活动。全国政协委员达久木甲通过网络视频方式接受媒体采访。
Thank you!
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