
Click to read a letter from Kathleen Jackson

Click to read a letter from Kathleen Jackson

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Click to read a letter from Kathleen Jackson

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39 South Main Street
Oberlin, Ohio 44074

Phone: (440) 774-7158
Fax: (440) 775-1107


Ceramics, jewelry making, painting and more-- whether it's your lifelong passion or your newest hobby, we've got something for you and the little ones in your life!

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Founded in 1979, The Firelands Association for the Visual Arts is an independent, non-profit art organization in Oberlin, Ohio dedicated to enhancing public appreciation of and participation in the visual arts through exhibitions and related educational and community activities. FAVA presents changing exhibitions of high quality artwork in a variety of styles and media.

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FAVA offers classes for children and adults in a wide variety of media.


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