

Thank you for stopping by! Due to COVID-19 guidelines, the Department of Comparative Literature is operating remotely. If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact the Department Administrator, Ingrid Sagor at isagor@uchicago.edu or 773-702-8486.


Ana Ilievska has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2020-2021

Sam Lasman has been named a Humanities Teaching Fellow in the College and Comparative Literature for the academic year 2020-2021

Anna Torres has been named a 2020-2021 Frankel Institute for Advanced Judaic Studies Fellow for academic year 2020-2021

怎么使用youtubehas published a foreword to Stephanie Burt's After Callimachus in Publishers Weekly Spring 2020 announcements, which has been listed in the Top 10 in the Poetry category.

Ana Ilievska has won the Society for Pirandello Studies postgraduate essay competition for her essay “’two legs, a torso, and, on top, a machine…’ A Posthuman Reading of Pirandello’s Quaderni di Serafino Gubbio.” which will be published in the forthcoming edition of 手机上youtube加速软件40. (January 2020)

Hoda El Shakry has published her book The Literary Qurʾan: Narrative Ethics in the Maghreb (Fordham University Press, 2019). The book 手机加速软件排行榜前十名_手机加速软件哪个好用:手机加速软件排行榜TOP10下载 本专辑是历趣为您提供的手机加速软件最新排行榜、及下载,囊括了手机加速软件产品的热度数据、图片、用户评价、开发者联系方式、历史版本下载等信息,是手机加速软件产品的权威数据库。alongside embodied and hermeneutical forms of Qurʾanic pedagogyto theorize Maghrebi literature across Arabic and Francophone traditions. (November 2019)

Mark Payne has been named the Chester D. Tripp Professor in the Departments of Classics, Comparative Literature, the John U. Nef Committee on Social Thought and the College. (December 2019)

Rachel Galvin and co-editor Harris Feinsod have been named finalists in the National Translation Awards in Poetry and Prose for their book, Decals a bracing translation of Oliverio Girondo’s first two published books of poetry. (September 2019)

Na'ama Rokem has been awarded a Humanities Council Faculty Research Grant. (August 2019)

Comparative Literature at UChicago

The Department of Comparative Literature promotes the multidisciplinary, historically self-reflective and cross-cultural study of texts, traditions, and discourses. One of the earliest programs of its kind in America, Comparative Literature at Chicago continues to be inspired by the same spirit of thinking globally and transhistorically that prompted the University to establish the first core course in non-Western cultures, to welcome eminent comparatists including Hannah Arendt, Arnaldo Momigliano, Mircea Eliade, Paul Ricoeur, and Jean-Luc Marion. Comparative Literature students have benefited from the Critical Inquiry Professorship, and have thus been able to take courses with such scholars as Jacques Rancière, Ian Hacking, Slavoj Žižek, Stanley Cavell, Julia Kristeva, and Frederic Jameson. The Department has also helped to support such prominent journals as Modern Philology, Classical Philology手机如何上外网, 手机上youtube加速软件, Journal of Religion, Journal of Near Eastern Studies, and Opera Quarterly.

The Comparative Literature Department's global and historical reach is reflected in the range of faculty research interests. The department boasts scholars of international reputation in literary theory, literature and philosophy, translation, world poetry and poetics, classical traditions (Eastern and Western) and their afterlives, Renaissance literature, modern drama, film and cultural policy. Our department offers students the opportunity to grapple in a rigorous way with the most pressing issues in literary studies today: the questioning of national and cultural boundaries and identities; the struggle over literature's epistemological, ethical, or social authority; the debate about what counts as literature, and why; and the interaction between literature and other cultural or intellectual practices.