
Let us help you safely explore Ontario!


Whether you’re looking for a short day trip, or a weekend getaway, you can use ToDoOntario to find something safe ‘To Do’.
We are collecting the safest Things To Do across Ontario to make it easier for you to plan your adventure without worry.
Our goal is to help you spend less time searching, and more time enjoying the experience.

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ToDoOntario, Ace Transportation Trek Back in Time Niagara Escarpment Excursion Hike


Hike the Niagara Escarpment with a certified guide, includes transportation from Collingwood & Blue Mountain Resort area.

August 4, 2020
ToDoOntario, Ace Transportation, Hoggs Falls


With safe and comfortable transportation, experience impressive waterfalls along the Niagara Escarpment, and visit local wineries and cider houses.

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Cheese Please, Wine Too!

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August 4, 2020
ToDoOntario, Hockley Valley Resort Girlfriends Getaways

Mid Week Girlfriend’s Getaway

Fill your cup with laughter and catch up with good friends.

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This is the tour that put the Island Queen Cruise on the map around the world.

August 4, 2020


ToDoOntario, beach activities, Standing Up Paddleboarding

Ontario’s Best Beaches

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